Friday, August 31, 2012

Boot Camp Workout #7

Warm Up/Stretch
One Minute Intervals with 15/30 second rest in between:
  1. Jog in place ---easy-medium-harder (knees up)
  2. Jumping Jacks
  3. Side to Side Shuffles
  4. AX Chop - - - side, front, side
  5. Punch with bands (or shadow box)
  6. Touch toes- - - JUMP
  • Lunges-alternating 20
  • Push-ups-20
  • Side to Side Squats-20
  • plank back kicks-20 
2 Laps! (approx. 2-3 minute duration)
  • Wall Plank-hold for one minute
  • Iron Sumo Squat (knees touch elbows)-20
  • Standing X Abs-50
REPEAT One Minute Intervals above 
2 Laps!
  • Lunges-reverse alternating-20
  • Push-ups-15-20
  • plank to side angle-10
  • Tuck Jumps-15
  • Iron Sumo Squat (knees touch elbows)
  • Bicycle Abs-50 
2 Laps!---cool down, stretch

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ten Each Kick-Ass Routine

Ten Each
  • Perform each exercise 10 times with as little rest as possible until you complete one full cycle.  
  • Take a 2:00 minute break and repeat full cycle 2 more times.
  • Always check with you doctor before performing any new exercise routine. Warm up a few minutes before starting, take a break if you need it and always stop if experiencing any pain.  This is an INTENSE routine, and fairly advanced.  Modify wherever needed.
  1. Burpees:  Standing, lean over and place both hands on the floor in front of your feet, then hop back on toes, hop feet back up to hands, stand/jump up.  Modified:  Step back one leg at a time, and forward one leg at a time.
  2. Squat Jumps:  Squat and jump!
  3. Push-Ups:  On toes or on knees.
  4. Toe-Touch Sit Ups:  Lie on floor, legs extended, roll up touch toes, roll back down.
  5. Triceps Dips:  Sit on edge of bench or coffee table, place palms close to your sides, fingers pointed forward and dip down and up (keep chest lifted and shoulders down)
  6. Plank Jacks:  Assume forearm plank position, on toes, jack in and out.
  7. Tuck Jumps:  Standing, squat down a bit and jump up, tucking knees up towards your chest and slap thighs. Land lightly back on the floor.
  8. Split Lunges:  Assume stationary lunge position, explode and switch legs.  Modified: Step back and lunge one leg at a time, alternating.
  9. Leg Drops:  On back, place hands under butt and extend legs up to ceiling, lower as close to floor as possible then raise back up. 
  10. Down Dog to Up Dog:  Assume down dog position, take a few deep breaths then flow through to up dog, engage abs move back to down dog.