Ten Each
- Perform each exercise 10 times with as little rest as possible until you complete one full cycle.
- Take a 2:00 minute break and repeat full cycle 2 more times.
- Always check with you doctor before performing any new exercise routine. Warm up a few minutes before starting, take a break if you need it and always stop if experiencing any pain. This is an INTENSE routine, and fairly advanced. Modify wherever needed.
- Burpees: Standing, lean over and place both hands on the floor in front of your feet, then hop back on toes, hop feet back up to hands, stand/jump up. Modified: Step back one leg at a time, and forward one leg at a time.
- Squat Jumps: Squat and jump!
- Push-Ups: On toes or on knees.
- Toe-Touch Sit Ups: Lie on floor, legs extended, roll up touch toes, roll back down.
- Triceps Dips: Sit on edge of bench or coffee table, place palms close to your sides, fingers pointed forward and dip down and up (keep chest lifted and shoulders down)
- Plank Jacks: Assume forearm plank position, on toes, jack in and out.
- Tuck Jumps: Standing, squat down a bit and jump up, tucking knees up towards your chest and slap thighs. Land lightly back on the floor.
- Split Lunges: Assume stationary lunge position, explode and switch legs. Modified: Step back and lunge one leg at a time, alternating.
- Leg Drops: On back, place hands under butt and extend legs up to ceiling, lower as close to floor as possible then raise back up.
- Down Dog to Up Dog: Assume down dog position, take a few deep breaths then flow through to up dog, engage abs move back to down dog.
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