Monday, September 3, 2012


Are you looking to jump start your weight loss and get in shape? Are you sick of always finding some excuse preventing you from taking it to the next level? Are you tired and lethargic and feel like you don't have any energy? Did you know working out makes you feel BETTER, releasing endorphins that improve your mood, boost energy, sharpen your mind, and of course help you shed unwanted pounds. 
Get off your ass and let's workout! This is a great deal and once you commit you'll be on your way to finally losing those extra pounds, feeling really hot, trim, lean and mean in no time!
What are you waiting for? In 3 weeks you can lose up to 8 pounds, drop a size, increase your stamina and energy, strengthen and tone muscles, boost your mood and get your sexy on!
Check it out---please contact me if you have any questions.  The time is now!

Please contact me for next session dates!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Immediate Benefits of Exercise

If you don't take time for your health now, you'll have to take time later.

This is the best gift you could ever give yourself and your loved ones.  I hope you're on that path, getting started on that path and staying on it.  No matter what age or current fitness level you're at, the benefits of regular exercise 

are far reaching and lifelong.

Of course you'll see and feel positive results after a few weeks of regular exercise, but the long term benefits are amazing and can make all the difference in how you look and feel now - - and later in life (not to mention how much you could save in medical bills, how much extra time you'll have to enjoy life, and an overall healthier state of well-being.)

Here are just a few of the positives benefits:

Weight Management:  Helps maintain a healthy, appropriate weight for your body type. Helps regulate your appetite and you have a better chance of maintaining that optimal weight for life. Weighing less also helps you avoid back and knee issues.
Disease Protection:  As we get older we are more susceptible to a myriad of diseases, and for women, osteoporosis.  You can help prevent cancer and heart disease and you can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes.
Good Mood:  Exercise releases endorphins in the brain - - these are chemicals that improve your mood and self image, and help decrease the amount of pain you might be feeling. That trigger of endorphins leads to an overall better mood!
Relieves Stress:  Taking time off from a difficult or stressful situation to exercise can help.  After you exercise you might find a new solution to that problem or you've had a chance to work it out in your head while exercising.
Stronger Brainpower:  Not only does your body benefit from exercise, but exercise can improve mental strength and acuity.  Research shows people who exercise regularly have improved memory and a decreased risk for dementia and Alzheimer's (by as much as 40%!)  That's a good reason to workout!

Take time today...don't wait until tomorrow.
Move more, eat less, and be true to yourself!

Have a healthy day,

Laura McDonald